Re: Maverick Hate Mail

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Posted by Ken ( on March 26, 2001 at 23:29:22:

In Reply to: Maverick Hate Mail posted by Maverick Man on March 21, 2001 at 15:03:04:

The more response there given the more they try to needle. Iv'ed owned every major brand at one time or another and can't feel that way about any make.
There are those people that do it to get attention and provoke argument.
At shows and cruises Iv'e watched the chev people look at a GM car right next to my Comet then walk right by without even glancing except once in awhile see the
fuel injection and stop a short time. Even had guys get mad when I win the class in street machine. That my payback. Otherwise I don't care how they feel.
I guess my most memerable occasion was in Newton,N.J.,an older gentleman wanted to buy my car on the spot. When I said it was not for sale,he stalked off angry.
Just my wooden nickels worth.

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