Re: 351/427 stroker questions.

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Posted by Nieko ( on May 12, 2001 at 08:27:06:

In Reply to: 351/427 stroker questions. posted by Fastman on May 11, 2001 at 19:29:39:

Jim and Mavman are correct about the side load, any stroker is going to increase it. If this is a daily driver engine and you just HAVE to have someting exotic, try raised pin pistons and longer rods. It doesn't increase stoke, but does increase dwell time at the top and bottom of the cylinder for more power. It also reduces side load to a minimal amount and increases torqe by reducing the rod angle (a rod pushing against the crank at a straighter angle makes more torque).
A 351 with these mods makes god awfull amounts of torque, and steet driving is all about torque.
This would be one hell of a fun driver in a Mav. :)

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