Posted by rickyracer ( on May 14, 2001 at 01:00:45:
In Reply to: Another day in Maverick Hell... posted by MadMav71 on May 13, 2001 at 22:04:14:
first off, remember it could be the simplest of things, and usually is. After it warms up for a few minutes and the with a spray bottle sqirt each exhaust maniflod port and see which one is not evaporating the water of fast. That is the cylinder to work on. Check the inside of the cap for anything. Plugwires???? and cam lobes for that cyl.
: I've been chasing down a miss in my car since the day I bought it. I had tried everything external (fuel system, electronics, etc.) with no luck. I replaced the valve-stem seals. Stopped smoking, but still missing. It's been a couple of months since I've even touched it.
: So I finally broke down and took the head off today, hoping maybe I had a bad head gasket. It didn't look like anything was awry with the head gasket, but I also checked my valves to make sure they were seating. Sure enough, all that oil going through the bad valve-stem seals had caused really bad deposits, especially behind the exhaust valves. I cleaned out as much as I could and did a "back yard" valve job (a drill and a tube of grinding compound go a long way). So I thought I had found my miss, since there was no way the exhaust valve on the #1 cylinder was seating. Got it all put back together, fired it up... still missing. Let it run for a while... overheated.
: On the plus side, the cylinder walls still have cross-hatch and NO RIDGE, even after 113k on the clock.
: What should I try next? Timing chain set??? Stick of dynamite?