Posted by 74merc ( on May 21, 2001 at 09:05:00:
In Reply to: need some help everyone posted by nick heckaman on May 20, 2001 at 23:13:02:
if an auto, it should idle at 850-900 in neutral, 650 in gear while parked. Manual is around 650.
you will need to mark the timing marks with a piece of chalk or something similar to time it with a light. there will be a 10* ATDC, 0, 10* BTDC, 20* and 30*. you need to mark it at about 10* BTDC, not sure exactly on your year, mine is 12*.
what carburator do you have?
: ok I've got a 72 maverick. 302 with the grabber body. I'm not sure if it's actually a grabber I think it was probably converted. anyways... my problem is I don't know anything about carburators at all. in fact I don't even know if I spelled that right. I just got a new one and I need to tune it. it seems to be running really rich... it'll pop at idle and when decellerating it backfires like crazy. it idles at 900 and I'm not sure what these cars should Idle at... that seems awfully high to me. but when I turn the idle down when I shift it will die... I am also wondering where to check the timing at. I had my light out the other day and I was looking around on the pulleys and didn't see anywhere to check it. maybe i"m just blind or something... someone help me out please... what should I look for?