Posted by Craig Selvey ( on May 09, 2001 at 08:44:57:
In Reply to: Shelby Maverick Proof!!! posted by John B. on May 09, 2001 at 06:08:56:
: I must admit that I personally had given up on the Shelby Maverick story. I mean, if there were any, how come there didn't seem to be any hard evidence. I determined last week to find it, if it existed and sent off a flurry of emails to all the "big names" in Shelby related companies and clubs. The bg payoff finally came from Rick Kopec, author of the Shelby Register, among other things, and a national director of the Shelby American Automobile Club (THE Shelby club). As he mentions in his letter, more info is on the way. I will try to forward the pictures to Stephen to post (in an archive arrangement perhaps, Stephan?) and will add the articles to the board when they arrive by snail mail. By the way, the Mr. Velazquez referred to in Rick's letter is the now deceased past president of Shelby de Mexico. One last thing before I add the text of Rick's letter. Don't be to excited about the Shelby Maverick pictures (other thatn for their value as proof)...the car looks like a Grabber with a Comet grille. Enjoy the news from Rick;
: John:
: When I first responded to your email I knew I had some info and that we had
: published an article in the club magazine about Shelby de Mexico cars. But
: in rereading the article we did not include any info or photos on the
: Maverick cars.
: Now the good news: I have three photos of the car on display at the Mexico
: Automobile Show in 1971. In the letter Eduardo Velazquez sent me, he said
: approx. 300 of these Maverick conversions were made.
: I'm sending you via mail the chapter on Shelby de mexico Mustangs that is in
: the Shelby American World Registry. And I've asked Howard pardee to send you
: a photocopy of the article on these cars that was printed in the club
: magazine back in 1988. These two articles comprise everything we know about
: these cars.
: I have no idea where to point you in Mexico for the information you are
: looking for. With Eduardo gone, I couldn't even begin to suggest anyone.
: Best of luck.
: Rick Kopec
: That's it for now folks, but at least now the mystery is solved. John B.