manual disc brakes/calibers

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Posted by rickyracer (IP: on November 17, 2000 at 10:44:09:

In Reply to: Re: manual disc brakes posted by mavman on November 16, 2000 at 22:39:45:

calibers normally don't, but I have seen where the M/C and the brake pedal itself are different. The pedal controls how much "leverage" you apply to the brakes by changing the ratio on the pedal arm. Not to many people know this when changing "some" not all brakes from man-pow, or vice-versa. All the Fox body cars are this way.

: : how old are the calibers & master cylinder? Were they working when you took them off? How thick are the rotors? Unless you get good, working parts from another car, figure on either replacing or rebuilding them. In most cases, the only safe part from another cars brake system is the spindles only. All the other parts are only good as cores. Otherwise you just might get to have some quality time with the driver in front of you. And they wouldn't be a happy camper.

: the calipers have been rebuilt by yours truly, as well as the wheel cylinders. The only thing that isn't new is the m/c. I think there may be a mismatch between the '77 power calipers and the granada m/c, but I am not sure. I have a '75 mav drag car with 4 wheel drums that stops great compared to the discs. Do the power calipers differ from the ones off of a manual brake car?

: : : I installed manual disc brakes on my '74 mav, but I think I should have left the drums on it! The calipers, spindles, and rotors are off of a '77 that had power brakes, the m/c is off of a 76 granada that had manual discs front and drums rear. When I step on the pedal, it feels like the rotors are glazed over. The pedal is hard, but panic braking is downright scary. Has anyone out there experienced the same problem? What do you think might fix it

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