Re: 302 vs. 351

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Posted by rickyracer (IP: on November 21, 2000 at 10:32:41:

In Reply to: 302 vs. 351 posted by BenB on November 20, 2000 at 16:44:05:

I like Ryan's idea. 351W use to be the way to go with the cubic inches. But with the stroker kits available for 302s and the low cost of them, Have to go with the strokers. Easier and more sleeper mode for the poor suckers that'll want to race you.

: I've decided to go ahead and do the V8 swap, but I'm wondering how
: much more difficult it is to go with the 351 instead of the 302,
: and what additional steps are involved. Have those that have tried it
: been happy with the out come? Thanks for the advice.

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