Intake Gasket Question

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Posted by max (IP: on December 01, 2000 at 11:22:35:

I finaly swaped my intake last night and it went pretty smoothly. I put in the new Edelbrock air-gap intake on my '77 302. Word to the wise however, if you do decide to go with this manifold besure to attach the thermostat housing before you drop the intake on. The neck on the intake that accepts the housing is a little longer than stock and comes very close to beieng to long to get the bottom bolt in.

Anyway, back to my question. When I put the gasket in place for the intake I noticed a small (dime-nickel sized) hole just above the exhuast cross over on the heads, both sides. When I put the gasket in place it didn't cover those holes. It was kind of late and I think I just blew that little fact off and continued my install, now I'm worried. I found two little plates that look like they would fit right over those holes. Is it O.K to leave those holes half covered? or am I going to have to start all over? Also, I used to have a few hoses attached from the valve covers, one from the oil fill area and one on the oppisite side that went into the air cleaner, I have blocked off everything except the vacuum advance port for the distributor. Can I just put breathers on those spots on the covers or will I have to hook those up some how?

By the way, it runs great and I am very pleased with the power. I think I'm safe the way it's hooked up right now but I wanted to "ask the experts" and found out for sure.



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