it's possible to use braided hose for...

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Posted by rickyracer (IP: on October 05, 2000 at 12:41:04:

In Reply to: Is it possible to use braided hose for... posted by Inshan on October 05, 2000 at 12:24:31:

It's very possible and works great, Have them on my drag racer. Use #6 size hoses and fitting. Aeroquip is best source or Earl's. Keep your curves gentle and use 45 deg fittings when ever possible. I also have them on my Brake line hoses, cost me $100 for all three, and all Flammable liquids on my car. Oil gage lines, brake, trans, fuel lines, etc. People whine about the cost, but I seen a guy use rubber hose on a trans line, only to have to slip off and spray fluid on his headers. Nice fire for a few minutes.

: my transmission cooler line? My metal lines are all bent up and are already patched in a few places with rubber hose. Can I just use braided hose for the entire thing, end to end? Anyone else do this? Also, what size fittings are on the transmission end? C4 btw.
: Thanks,
: Inshan

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