Re: Yes,but what attaches the handle to the cables?Thats what I'm missing.

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Posted by Dennis (IP: on October 09, 2000 at 07:30:16:

In Reply to: Yes,but what attaches the handle to the cables?Thats what I'm missing. posted by Arnold H. Lester Jr. on October 09, 2000 at 06:33:21:

The front brake cable has a ball on the end of it that goes into a hollow in the end if the emer brake handle/rod. If you look at the end of the handle(firewall end) there should be a pin sticking up. Grab this pin with a pair of vice grips & tap it straight out of the handle rod. Do not try to twist it, it will just snap off. Once this pin is removed you can pull the handle/rod out of the assemble. Look at the end & you will see where the ball hooks in. I bought a complete set of cables from either or for my 79 Bronco so they probably have them for the Mav

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