Re: Aluminium vs Stock Water Pump?

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Posted by Joel N. (IP: on October 12, 2000 at 00:56:13:

In Reply to: Aluminium vs Stock Water Pump? posted by Mark G on October 12, 2000 at 00:16:03:

AMCs all had aluminum oil pumps. this excerpt came from

The oil pump housing is made of aluminum. This leads to early wear. And when the housing has grooves worn in, common enough, the oil pressure at start-up will appear normal. Then once the motor warms up, the larger gaps, due to expansion, will allow oil pressure to drop into dangerous zones at lower rpms. This is dangerous if you are putting a load on the motor at low rpm, then quickly revving to high rpm. the oil pressure cannot keep up with the fast acceleration and will run the 7-8 bearings almost dry.
This can be worked around by using either or both a Milodon pickup, and/or a bypass line under the intake manifold (explained later in detail).

hope this helps!!!

: The Weiand pump is only $99 in jegs, while a stock replacement at the local parts store is $70. Should I just get the aluminum? any disadvantages to this?

: Mark G

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