Posted by rickyracer (IP: on October 12, 2000 at 22:57:57:
In Reply to: Reverse Pumps posted by Charlie on October 12, 2000 at 17:56:47:
: You can't use a reverse pump, not only will it not bolt up to your timing cover, but the bolt holes for the pulley are spaced too far apart to fit; The Crown Vic pump is not reverse, I believe all other late model 302 pumps (including trucks and Mustangs) are reverse. Of course, Aftermarket performance is better than factory (really goes w/o saying). -CP
: : be careful with newer factory pumps, if it's a serp drive they usually run in reverse rotation. You can find different pulleys at the junkyard with different belt depths and you can also use "flat" washers as spacers, just use the same type and number in each hole or you'll change the balance. Factory pumps are made with less material then Weiand's uses. They not as strong as Weiand's will be, plus they don't have the flow. And you can get them in either early or late style.
: :
: : : The Weiand pump is only $99 in jegs, while a stock replacement at the local parts store is $70. Should I just get the aluminum? any disadvantages to this?
: : : Mark G