Re: gas tank sender?

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Posted by Bill Shepherd (IP: on October 13, 2000 at 13:41:11:

In Reply to: gas tank sender? posted by bob on October 13, 2000 at 08:54:11:

: The gas gauge on my '71 Comet GT w/302 is pinned on empty. I have checked the tank sender unit and after grounding the wires together the gauge goes up to full, indicating no signal from the sender. I assume the sender is bad or the float has dropped (have not taken sender out yet.) My question is, can I obtain a new sender/float unit, if so where?
: If not, what senders are interchangable for this car?
: Thanks in advance for your help.

Bob, there's a little voltage regulator on the back side of the instrument cluster, directly behind the fuel guage. You may want to check it first. These control the voltage to the guage and if it is bad the voltage would be high or not at all. Bill

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