Re: changing pump

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Posted by Steve-S (IP: on October 17, 2000 at 19:41:37:

In Reply to: changing pump posted by rickyracer on October 17, 2000 at 09:25:35:

I can't believe I found one locally. I was certain I would have to order one. Went to an engine rebuilding shop and they had one. Got a new screen, w/arm, and shaft while I was there. $60 all told. Now I get to find room in the garage to pull the car in. Where's the damn drought when you need it eh? :-)


: not that hard, drop the steering linkage down, and remove the crossbrace
: and you can unbolt the pan. Then you can get at the pump. Might want to check some rod and main bearings while you're under there. You can change them also with the engine in the car. Not real easy but possible. Also check the oilpump drive shaft, new one wouldn't hurt.

: : Oil filter is brand new. Could that still be it? It's a fram filter. One of those newfangled jobbies that's sealed in a can.

: : Steve-S

: : PS. 2nd test run and it was starting to grind. Shut it off and have arranged for ride to/from work tomorrow. How hard/easy is it to change an oil pump? And how hard/easy are they to find? Any other vehicles that use the same one?

: : :
: : : Ricky's probably right; Its a long shot but take off the oil filter and make sure it hasn't collapsed, maybe change it just on a hope & prayer.

: :
: : : : with the noise from the engine, it's history, probably have something jaming the relief valve stuck open now dumping the oil. Have to pull the pan, Sorry.

: : :
: : : : : I think my oil pump just died. I ran a can of motor flush thru and changed the oil. New oil filter, new plugs. Start er up & the oil light stays on. Lots of tapping & knocking (didn't have this much tapping & no knocking before). Oil level reads as ok. I put in 4 qts. Has the oil pump gone? What else could it be? This car is my daily driver so I'm pressed for time.

: : : : : Steve-S

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