Re: Who has the Mot reliable daily driver?

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Posted by Arnold H. Lester Jr. (IP: on October 19, 2000 at 21:46:49:

In Reply to: Who has the Mot reliable daily driver? posted by Mavdude on October 19, 2000 at 16:20:01:

: Give you rself one point for each mile you drive a day.

: Take away 5 points for each time the car as left you stuck or calling AAA.

: Take away 2 points for anything that does not work properly mechanicaly speaking.

: Give yourself 2 points if you have things like working AC and a defogger. Non popular options.

: 78 miles a day - 4 mechanicle points. (Need to fix a leaky wheel cylander and the heater fan went out.)

: that gives me a 74. pretty decent I think. She hasn't left me on the side of the road since I have owned her. 4 years.

65 miles a day.Never left me stranded.Does replacing parts even though they still work,just to be safe,count against me?Did rebuild tranny although it didn't really need it.Also rebuilt all brakes a day after I bought it.

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