GoodGuys Southeastern Nationals

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Posted by Earl Pillow (IP: on October 21, 2000 at 20:47:35:

I just got back from the GoodGuys event at Lowe's Motor Speedway... man, was that cool! I've lived 20 minutes away from the speedway for almost three years now, but that's the first time I've ever been there. I'm not really much of a NASCAR fan, if you can't tell. Anyhow, there were so many cars and so many people that I just can't begin to describe it. I'm sure many (most?) of you have been to events like this, but this was my first big car show, and it was definitely worth the $10.00 to get in the gate! The $3.00 corn dogs and $3.00 bottles of Coke are a different story...

So, it seems like this is becoming a theme, but I took a BUNCH of pictures while I was there, and I have them available for anyone who wants to check it out. Unfortunately, there wasn't a Maverick in the bunch. For that matter, there weren't that many post-war Fords of any description. So I took pictures of pretty much every Ford I could find, and then everything else that I thought was cool.

P.S. I haven't had time to crop my pics (sorry Charlie) but I do try to take pics that are full of car, with as little background as possible. This time I also set my camera on lower-res, both because there were SO many cars, and so they would be easier and quicker to load.

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