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Posted by Charlie (IP: on October 22, 2000 at 23:13:37:

In Reply to: Re: Yeah, I've gotten three!!!! posted by Stefan Thibeault on October 22, 2000 at 23:04:51:

Well, I wouldn't mind if I just got one, but its sent to and its one thing to be doing someone a favor by letting them know you have cool Maverick stuff and another thing to just Spam.. They probably send out thousands of emails to tons of car people.. Thats just not right. Pay to advertise like everyone else. -CP

Got a similar e-mail, and they asked me to add their site to my Maverick link page.
: Since they do sell Maverick shirts, I added them, but I will e-mail them and
: ask them not to do it again.

: Id like to take this oppertunity to thank everyone who has helped
: in "policing" the board and bringing to my attention situtions like this.

: : Stefan, maybe you should e-mail them to quit using your site to gather unauthorized e-mails. Here's a copy of the email:

: : Hi,
: : We got your email address from the Maverick International Club website. Taking this opportunity to introduce our new website to your club. Our website is cars & trucks related and I believe
: : will be of interest to you. Please do check it out
: : Go to Cars -- Ford Design , then Maverick or direct link
: :
: : You will be amaze at the selection of designs that are available in the website.
: : Hoping to hear from you. Thanks in advance
: : Ei Leen Simone
: :

: : : Is anybody else getting e-mail from someone selling t-shirts?They said they got my e-mail address from the IM/CC website.

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