Re: saturday night special crane cam ?and more !!

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Posted by Dave (IP: on October 24, 2000 at 14:52:35:

In Reply to: saturday night special crane cam ?and more !! posted by #88 on October 24, 2000 at 10:57:41:

: 1st. will tell you what is in the car now....a 302 with 351w heads.Bored 30 over. 12.5to1 trw dome pistons wraped with molly rings.steel crank . mallry unlight distriburator. blazer cam >they call it the grind power max now< dur.=278 in290 ex lift=498 in 527 ex with 114 lope sep. 2200 to 5200. rpm. torker 2 intake.650holly spreadbore carb. blackjack headers to 2.25" pipe to turbo sonics,then drop@ rearend.this engine has been ported"polished" blue printed and balanced to a tee! 9" rear with 389 gear posi.note this car does screeeeaaam ......BUT i want the most out of this 302!!!dont want any these chev sleds to have any chance...theres alot chev guys around here...but they respect the red mav when it comes out on that sunny day looking to gobble up a chev or ?-------- WELL to the point...heres what want to add......saturday night special cam kit> 300 ex. lift=520 in.526 ex. 110 lope sep.3400 to 6800 rpm. add holly gold searies 650 double pumper.hopfully get these super comp. HOOKER headers to fit?? 3"pipe to 3"flowmasters #40s searies.and rorrrrrrriiiinnnnggg out the back under bumper..maybe set of megs ?? guys need some thought on this aim i headed in the right direction and what would YOU add to this set-up????? let me know thanks ALL !!!

Charlie is right, need to get it on the track and post the time slip for us to see. If I remember right , you are running a C4. If so I bet you will find the need for a little bigger converter. Some kind of traction bars (slap bars or Cal Tracs IE.) Then there are tires etc. Keep us posted.

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