Posted by Paulie (IP: on September 11, 2000 at 09:52:45:
In Reply to: Very Welcome posted by rickyracer on September 11, 2000 at 00:35:39:
Errr.... first, I thought I DID say thanks on several occasions (actually, it was Geeze! I couldn't have done this without you)! I even offered to buy lunch but you had to boogie home for the races. And besides, if it wasn't going to be enough or you found out it wasn't enough gas money why didn't you TELL me?????????? You've had my e-mail for ages!!
Send me your addy and I'll make up the differance, I really didn't know. I was also very tired (little sleep the week before) and more than a bit frazzled and I'm sorry if I did something wrong or forgot something. You know how hard that whole mess had been.
I just wish you'd e-mailed me and let me know insted of berating me in front of everyone. I would have been more than happy to oblige....