Re: AutoKrafters  
Re: AutoKrafters -- Grabber351 Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Fastman ®
2001/08/08, 00:10:16

Author Profile
:Autokrafters doesn't list everything one the website. Call them, the 351W swap headers are listed as part# ES9 in the catalog.
:I'd like to get a pair myself, I have blackjack headers in my car and the fit isn't too great. (clearance issues at the steering box...massaged into clearing) 351W powered since 1988.

Wow! Your car does look pretty sweet. Would it be easier to install a 351C or is this again, a fitment problem?

How does your car feel as far as flexing goes? It appears there would need to be A LOT of metal removed as you mentioned which does worry me a bit.

I will continue with the project and fill you in on my progress. I would also like to ask you questions as I go.

Talk to you later.

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