All things considered!  
Post Reply   Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Alicemav ®
2001/07/04, 18:01:28

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WOW! First off, I want to thank you guys for your AWESOME support. I'd be sooooo screwed without you.
Righty, considering the fact that the tranny from the doner car was compleat trash (had to be rebuilt within the month!!) and the history of the doner (a '78 Country Squire Wagon) seems just as dubious I have decided that the very best thing will be to get a WARRENTED rebuilt and use the old one as a core fee (if applicable). There are some GREAT deals on shortblock 302 basic engines (re-manned) and that way I'll KNOW what's good and what's garbage. (I'm keeping my "maverick" valve covers tho'!).
I have a vaction planned for September (NOTHING short of a family crisis will keep me from going! I've saved for a year for it!!) but when I return I'll start another account at AAA (very handy, it 'hid' my vaction money from myself!) for the Alice fund. When it get's to a decent amount, I'll take the research I've got (almost a whole BOOK now!) and start the 3rd reserection of Alice.
I'll go up to port Angeles (where the cars are cheaper...I love small town newspapers) and have my DAD find me a beater daily driver... However. I'll still be picking your brains!
You guys are still the best!

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