Posted by: Andrew Mc Call ®
2001/07/16, 11:19:39
Author Profile
It said it on the car, plus you could call Ford Motor company and give them the Vin number. This car is genuine, I thought the same as you till I called and investigated. I spoke with a fella that does car interiors, he said he work for Ford motor company for 17 years as the head body man and he remembered the Marauder, it had a 302 instead of the standard and a few decals, he said they sold like hot-cakes because they had the power like a mustang without the cost but soon everybody recked em now there hard to find. I also spoke with a Maverick parts seller he has his own web site plus he has been dealing strickly with Mavericks for years. He told me that what I own is very rare more rare than a Comet GT. He said there are few in existance. This is one reason why I bought it. This is the name of the parts man he is from GA. I am from IA, John Haney
770.823.9606, he sells Comet and Maverick parts, doors etc.
He would be happy to answer your disblief. Maybe even give him some business.