Re: Selling a Maverick Marauder 76 with 72,722 orgin. miles where do I go? -- Andrew Mc Call Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Craig Selvey ®
2001/07/16, 18:26:55

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After reading many of the post...I thought I would chime in.

I have owned Mavericks for about 20 years. I have probably owned 20-25 in that time. I have 4 here now.

I have never heard of a Maverick Maurauder. I have heard of Stabber Grabbers, Mavi Gt's, and others. Many of these were unsubstantiated "dealer" prepared cars, as Earl mentioned. They might have existed, or maybe they existed in somebody's imagination. Until I see absolute proof (like on the Shelby Maverick), it remains folklore to me. Heck, I even created a Shelby Maverick back in 1989. It was very authentic looking, including lettering, striping, etc. I ended up putting it in a junkyard. Imagine when somebody stumbles across that!!

After saying all that, there is NO WAY a stock Maverick in ANY condition is worth $10,000 to $15, way, no how. I wish they would be, but it just ain't gonna happen. I love my Mavericks just as much as the next guy...but it is a pipe dream to think that one would be worth that much. The most I have ever seen a fully restored Maverick sell for was $8000, and it was nicely modified.

This car might in fact be a "Maurauder", but as to it's value because it is the rare "Maurauder"....I wouldn't place it any higher in value than a normal Grabber or Stallion in that condition.

My 2 cents for the day.

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