Re: Re: question -- rickyracer Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: rickyracer ®
2001/06/10, 15:38:29

if you're really serious about it, contact the local High, Trade and Automotive schools in your area and see if you can lend them your car for their class project and let them do it just for the experience. You pay for parts. If you found some metal work on the rear top part of your car, that was done at the factory, most cars have it.

: Sorry about no one replying to your sheet metal question. Usually unless I can help you with it, I stay away from it. Personally find a Custom Shop that would like to give it a shot on the T-Top. you might have to find a Donor car like a Firebird or Camero for the top for them to install. Would like to see the rnd result, Remember, Dare to be Different
::hey so yeah... anyway... nobody answered me... yesterday i asked if i could make a t-top lid out of a lid that has a sun roof... or should i just try to get a solid lid for my Maverick?? just cuz i'm a gurl it doesen't mean i don't know bout cars... but anyway i gotta get a kid out of the tub... later *Star*

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