Re: Brakes pull to a the side.  
Re: Brakes pull to a the side. -- RudyD Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Al Spears ®
2001/06/14, 22:10:27

:Hi, my 70 mav has drums all around and pulls to the side. I have bled the lines and it continues to do it, to give you an idea of how hard it pulls I will just say that if I want to switch lanes I just let go of the wheel and push on the brakes! It always pulls to the left. My rotors on both sides have some pretty deep grooves in them, could that be my problem? How do I get the rotor off to look at them? My father always took them off and I have no clue.
I've done brake work for 30 yrs. and it sounds like you have a brake way out of adjustment, although it could be some form of contamenent on the brake shoe surface or a shot wheel cylinder.
With the drums in such bad shape as you describe it is most defently time to do a complete brake job, front and rear.
It's cheap insurence aginst rearending some little old lady with a shady lawyer, or a huge hospital bill!
This is not a time to fool around, if you don't know how the brake system works then you need to talk to your favorite gearhead and get help, or as a last resort take your car to an honest shop and have them do it for you.
Brakes are the MOST important part of any car do it right the first time!

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