Re: Impressions  
Re: Impressions -- Stefan Thibeault Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Sam Mangano ®
2001/06/17, 12:29:46


The new board seems fine. Easy enough to use, read, etc...

Speaking as an "old timer" though, I can say that it's easy to get burned out. Face it, as every year goes by our cars get older and there isn't much new left to discuss after being immersed in the hobby for so long. The pictures of the elusive Shelby Maverick were a great and long-awaited thing to see (for me anyway) but did not generate the discussion I had hoped for... Also there are lots of newcomers (especially young kids) that come in and ask the same old questions over and over again. I know it has to start somewhere, but quite frankly it gets tiring. You do a great job of keeping up with the archived boards, but I fear they are not being used very much.

This board is a great resource. I get emails, phone calls, and even visits almost every week from people I've met on this forum. You've worked hard to upgrade and improve things for many years now and it has been a nice place to come and share ideas about our hobby. Keep up the good work!


:Id like to get some feedback on the new board. Is it just me or does it seems like some of the "old timers" have stopped posting? Im going to increasing the number of threads per page so you wont have to flip through as many pages to see older messages.

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