Re: Facts? uh-oh  
Re: Prop.valves -- just the facts please -- Russ Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Charlie Ping ®
2001/06/27, 22:47:32

I have heard several arguements about this but very few facts. (No part#'s, pressure #'s or anything like that)

I will say this-

You will make it to the roundup just fine using a disc brake master cylinder with your drum brake proportioning valve. I still run the drum prop on my car and have run it for 25,000 miles that way. It stops great.

They are externally identical; this doesn't mean that they don't have different size orifices inside though. Its better to go with the disc valve but the difference isn't enough to keep you off the road.

:I need to know if the prop. valves are different between drums and disks (front). If anyone has a factory disk brake car and a factory drum brake car, would you look at them to see if they look physically different? If they ARE different I need a Disk brake Prop. valve ASAP. Or my Mav won't make it to the Round Up Thanks Russ

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