Posted by: Ron S. ®
2001/06/02, 20:26:16
The 8 & 9 inchers are "removable carrier" type (pumpkin, hogshead, etc.)and the 'newer' 8.8 is what's know as an "integral carrier" type. IOW they are 'built' into the axle housing and NOT removable as a complete unit. :Someone teach me something. I know all about 8 and 9 inch
:ford rear ends-the basics, I know what positive traction
:units are and how they are different. What I know nothing
:about is the 1986 and up 8.8 inch differentials that came
:in Mustangs and other cars/trucks. Is this a 'pumpkin', as
:some people call it, or 'hogshead', that would fit in an 8
:or 9 inch rear end housing? The reason that I ask is there seems to be an ample supply of 8.8 inch positive units for sale. I know nothing about the 8.8 stuf. I am really looking for an 8 inch positive setup as I am not going to abuse my car to the point that I need the 9 inch reliability.
:Thanks for the assistance.