Re: Have a big problem. Need help ASAP. (today)  
Re: Have a big problem. Need help ASAP. (today) -- Drifter Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Wes Notovitz ®
2001/10/05, 13:10:03

Author Profile
:I have a 1974 Maverick with the 250 1bbl straight 6. When the vehicle is cold it idles well. When the car heats up it acts like it wants to die and it does very often. I have just tuned the vehicle up. I bought it after it had set for 2 years. Everything looks fine. It is getting air, gas and spark. I have no idea what the hell is going on. My guess is a vacuum problem. Anyone with information that can help please reply to this post. I have to run emissions tommarow and I need the answer like right now.

Carb problems are dificult sometimes, especially for those of us who have gotten used to fuel injection. I had problems with mine on my 250. I ended up getting a rebuilt one. If you decide to go that way, Auto Zone sells a Holley rebuild of the Carter YFA that you have for $119.95 exchange. That may end up being the best way to go depending on the mileage that your's already has on it. You should still check the EGR valve, too. Mine was FUBAR and it made the car run like, well you can guess. I blocked mine off and it corrected the problem. A new one goes for $40-50. Back then, they weren't made for economy, just part of the emission system.

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