Fuel Filter, Fuel pump  
Re: Fuel Filter, Fuel pump How do you clean and test them? -- JARED THOMPSON Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: rickyracer ®
2001/09/03, 17:12:56

Author Profile
Fuel filter usually screws into the carb, between the fuelline and carb, just replace it. It swells up inside when wet and works fine when dried out. If the fule pump is the orginial one from the factory, it's 30 yrs old. Just replace them both and be done with them. Backfiring can also mean a cracked dist. cap. The only real way to check fuelpumps and filters is to put a gage on their outlet side while the engine is running.

:Hey. I have a 71 maverick with a 200 inline 6. Anyway I am trying to remedy the problem already on the board about sputtering and backfiring. I was wandering how do you clean the fuel pump? Where is the fuel filter located? Is is right by the carb connected to the intake fuel line? And how do you clean the filters? I am really in a bind seeing as how this is my only car so any thoughts are much welcome.

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