Re: ladder bars  
Re: ladder bars -- John Ford Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Ken Merring ®
2001/09/05, 12:06:18

Author Profile
:Has anyone put ladder bars on their Mav. If so, where did you get it? Never done it before but looks fairly simple with just a little welding to the frame to mount the ladder brackets. Can anyone confirm this for me. 70 Mav. Ford 9 inch

..Hello, John. Sound like your getting real serious about racing. Look into the JEGS and Summit catalogs and call there tech lines. Both had cars at the nationals with bars on.
..I would go first with a good set of regular bars. Nine inch tires is not a lot of tire with a 377 motor. Get some experince first to see what the reaction of the car is. At the strip ask if you can look under some cars and ask questions. Each car will have its own needs for suspension tuneing and thats what the experience of serching for it is all about.
..I to get into the learning curve as a friend brought a 4 cylinder DOHC race motor to me for reringing. There using it in a 3/4 midget. Iv'e done work for many times before but this is a new one.
Good luck,Ken

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