Posted by: Arnie ®
2001/09/07, 07:17:12
Author Profile
Well, I'm back from a l-o-n-g R&R up in Alaska.Went there after my second round of chemo.All my hair is back and I had to get checked out again, and I am now cancer free!!!!Hopefully it won't come back.Actually I've been back for about 2 months now,sorry I haven't dropped by, been busy though.I must also apologise(sp) to all MCCI members as I know I haven't been a very good state rep this year.I will try to do a better job from here on out.My body has recovered, and now it's time to start to recover financially from my experience.Cancer can be devastating in more ways than one.Please don't ask me about it because I would rather not talk about it.The way I look at it is it's gone and if I talk about it it might come back!!I know, that's pretty silly sounding but,humor me.I like the new look of the MMB!Looks really great.I found me a new hobby to help me through troubled times,Nitro methaned powered R/C cars.My T-Maxx is pretty cool and rocks.I drove my Mav for the first time yesterday, ahhh, it felt good, even with the bad brakes and smoke trail I was leaving.The smoke cleared up,but the brakes are shot,master cylinder and I'm sure the wheel cylinders are leaking.Well, I've wasted enough space, thought I'd just let you guy's and gal's know what's been up.I'll be seeing ya'll more often now so,later.