Re: Warmming Up Question?? and some misc. stuff too!  
Re: Warmming Up Question?? and some misc. stuff too! -- Jerilyn Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Rob Riffle ®
2001/09/08, 01:58:42

Author Profile
:My boyfriend and I have a constant arguement about how the cars should be warmed up. We both agree that the first time you drive a car each day it should be warmed up to normal operating temp. What I don't agree with is that everytime he goes somewhere if the car has cooled off completely that it MUST be warmed up fully again. My thought is that if all of the stuff has been lubed up once really well then you probably don't have to let it warm up completely again. Exceptions being when it's really cold of course. What are your thoughts? Thanks
:Also I got a really good quote to rebuild my Mav's broken down 302, $1675 installed (everything) and the shop will do performance stuff and they will warantee it even though it's extra stuff (performance cam, intake manifold, oil pump)! Also one more question, how much does it usually cost to replace an oil pump? The Mav might need one before I can get the engine done and JC Whitney has performance ones for $22, so I guess how much should it cost to install it? Thanks so much in advance.

Ok, sounds like u really need some input, so Im gonna give u my $.2 worth. First, Id like to point out that any complete rebuild must definately include a new oil pump, be it high performance or otherwise. After all, this part, is the backbone of your entire car! If it fails, u loose! Period!. Any competent mechanic knows this, and it must be part of the price quote! If u need the oil pump replaced prior to funding a rebuild, the price can vary widely, dependant upon the individual mechanic. Its a job I have seen go from anywhere from 100, to 400 bucks. Ok now that we have that out of the way, $1600 sounds a little cheap, and possibly one not done with lasting results in mind. If a shop intends to instal some performance parts, such as a high rise manifold ect, these parts are not and do not come cheap as a general rule. Thus, if they are being added to the deal, most likely, your builder is planning on cutting corners elsewhere, possibly in the machine process of the necessary valve job that a full rebuild entails or possibly, in the quality of the rebuild kit itself ect. Call around and ask different shops for a ballpark figure. They will all ask u different questions, and give u different info that u can utilize to your advantage in selecting a competant builder. Take what each says with a grain of salt, and use what each tells u as a tool in talking to the next one. With regard to the warm up situation, It sounds as though someones trying to maximize there engine for a period of time due to a possible finance situation. It truthfully doesnt matter. Your vehicle is designed to perform at peak at a temperature of approximatly 180- 192 degrees. This does not mean that it wont function at other lower temps. When first started, your engines oil is all in the oil pan, not lubricating the internal parts of the engine. Once started oil begins to flow, and lubricate. When the engine is turned off, the process repeats. The only real factor is, the first thing in the morning, oil is colder, and coagulated moreso than later in the afternoon typically. Never gun your engine when u first start it up. Thats about all u can do. The engine wear is going to occur over time, warm cool or otherwise. Wating ten minutes for the car to warm in the am simply means that the engine is wearing a little slower because it is moving slower than if u were going down the road. But then again, so are u HUH?? It doesnt hurt to warm the car a little, but its really insignifigant unless its really cold and the engine has set for a long period!! This is gonna be a subject for debate here but thats my 2 cents!!

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