Re: Warmming Up Question?? and some misc. stuff too!  
Re: Warmming Up Question?? and some misc. stuff too! -- Jerilyn Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: rickyracer ®
2001/09/08, 11:45:15

Author Profile
Warming up the engine is more for the people not the car. If you can see out the windows, drive it as soon as you want to. As long as you have oil pressure. And as for breaking in a new car, that's always been a big joke. If you could only see how those first few miles get on that car before it even gets to the showroom floor. I seen how the load and unload cars from ships and car haulers. Ain't a pretty sight. And they love to race each other.

:My boyfriend and I have a constant arguement about how the cars should be warmed up. We both agree that the first time you drive a car each day it should be warmed up to normal operating temp. What I don't agree with is that everytime he goes somewhere if the car has cooled off completely that it MUST be warmed up fully again. My thought is that if all of the stuff has been lubed up once really well then you probably don't have to let it warm up completely again. Exceptions being when it's really cold of course. What are your thoughts? Thanks
:Also I got a really good quote to rebuild my Mav's broken down 302, $1675 installed (everything) and the shop will do performance stuff and they will warantee it even though it's extra stuff (performance cam, intake manifold, oil pump)! Also one more question, how much does it usually cost to replace an oil pump? The Mav might need one before I can get the engine done and JC Whitney has performance ones for $22, so I guess how much should it cost to install it? Thanks so much in advance.

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