Re: any word on gas price increases due to the atrocities today?  
Re: Re: any word on gas price increases due to the atrocities today? -- tom mulloy Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: sam pearson ®
2001/09/12, 22:42:17

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paragould, ark. the gas prices took a tremendous jump and you couldn't get in any station. i fortunately had filled up going to work and only paid $1.35 gal. one of my co-workers wife went to fill their car up and while they were pumping her gas they raised the price .20 a gallon. she said why did you do that and they cause they could. our attorney general went on the air this morning and said he had a list of price gouging co and that the profit they made he was going double their fines by. maybe that will teach them to take advantage of a terrible thing that to the usa

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