Re: Hope it wasn,t a chev. cam. How could a wrong cam be put in??? n/m  
Re: Update on the Rebuilt that Just Wouldn't Turn Over. (WATCO in Houston did the rebuild) -- Mark Suarez Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Ken Merring ®
2001/09/20, 23:28:11

Author Profile
:Guys thanks for all the trouble shooting help. Step by step, I eliminated what you guys told me might be the problem.
:Bad Starter, Stuck Flywheel. Long bolts blocking the rotating assembly. Basically all of you guys good advice.
:Finally took the engine back to the shot. NO sweat, no charge, replacement gasket set. Basically a class act on customer satisfaction. Two days later they have the engine ready and are going to have someone stay late tonight and wait for me to get there after work.
:What was the problem. They had put in the wrong cam.

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