Re: Well, I sold my Maverick....  
Re: Re: Well, I sold my Maverick.... -- 71-MAVERICK Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: tom mulloy ®
2001/09/23, 18:06:49

Author Profile
::::I no longer own my teal 1970 Maverick Grabber any more. I sold it to fellow MCCI member and board visitor Tom Mulloy from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I quess I will have to get to work on my orange 1972 Grabber!!
::::Wow! There are other Maverick Owners in WI!
::- - -
::71 Mav, where do you live in WI? Maybe we can meet half-way for the first annual Cheesehead Mini-Meet. Tom
::That would be cool! Appleton is about 1/2 way. My poor car is in the process of being ripped apart right now. Looks like you just got yourself a nice new ride there. Even made it on the cover of the A/K cat. Am I going to see it at any car shows around the area? Jim
- - -
Jim, I'm originally from Oshkosh. How can we hook up? Not sure how that "post private message feature works," and I usually don't put my email address on the internet. I'm in the phone book. What's your last name?

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