Posted by: david targhetta ®
2001/09/23, 19:13:48
Author Profile
I have a '77 ford maverick (with a 302) and at 75+ mph it has a rough vibration that like pulsates its not a steady flow ( drr drr drr drr). To trouble shoot it I wait till the car is going 85-90 and put it in nuetral. It smooths out. That tells me it is in engine or tranny. Well so i figure out my rpm (at 75 my engine should be at about 2500-3000 rpms) so i slap a tach on there and rev the engine. A slight steady vibration that i believe is normal. The transmission was rebuilt a couple years ago so i dont think that is it. Also i put the automatic in second and ran the car about 45 no vibration like that. Does anyone know what it could be?