Re: New Maverick Stallion owner needs info. Help!!  
Re: Re: New Maverick Stallion owner needs info. Help!! -- hoop Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Wes Notovitz ®
2001/09/23, 23:07:03

Author Profile
: Just wondering if you got the car at the canfield swap meet because there was a 76 there that was blue.
:That would be correct! It was a repaint (and a lousy one at that). It was originally red/black. It will be that again when I'm done!
::I just obtained a 1976 Stallion with the intent of a total recondition to showroom. While I found Ford shop manuals at a swap meet, I need any and all info on the Stallion model including color schemes (it was repainted and I want to put it back to original), where to get the replacements I will need for the front fender shields ( the decals), parts, in other words EVERYTHING I CAN GET!! I need to do body work on it like replacing fenders, inner door panels ( some kid put speakers in them and screwed them up), and a complete repaint and trim. Please e-mail me with whatever or if you have anything to "snail mail", I'll provide you an address. Thanks very much in advance!!!

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