Re: My heater isn't working...  
Re: My heater isn't working... -- Arnie Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Ken Merring ®
2001/09/26, 00:46:18

Author Profile
:noticed just this morning as I was leaving work.I even drove it around for about 15-20 minutes to see if it would heat up,nothing,just blows cold air.My heater core isn't leaking or anything,and I'm not having overheat problems(thermostat stuck closed was my first guess too).So what gives?Should I take Craigs suggestion and blast the heater core out?

...When the engine is up to operating temp, the feed hose should also be hot up to the control valve. Operate the valve by hand for a few minutes to see if the out let hose heats up. Air lock is a possibility. When servicing the thermostat drill a 1/8 inch hole in the flat area to let the air come to the radiator while filling. It will have no effect on cooling system operation.
Good luk, Ken

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