installed a 8.8 in my 76...used the explorer shock brackets and U bolts...had the angle changed on the brackets to match the old ones...What shock do I use??? checked shocks for a Ranger,Bronco and Explorer...they are too long...any help would be great...
Your simplest and cheapest move is going to be to just swap back to the original Maverick plates. I'm sure there's someone out there who has managed to destroy a stock set...but I've never met them . The factory setup, while not the strongest in the world, is still pretty stout. I still have the factory plates on mine, and they've done fine.
Just take a measurement from the top mount hole to the bottom one with the car sitting at normal ride height and call a shock company and see what they recommend.
If the angle was changed to match the maverick mounts, why not weld a plate across the top of the Explorer mount, and drill a hole for the stock shock?
You can go to any decent parts store, even Autozone, and they have a shock specs sheet. You already know what ends you need so all you have to do is find a shock with those ends and a center travel at your ride height. So if your car just sitting measures 7" from mount to mount find a shock that has a compressed height of 5" and an extended height of 9", just as an example. Or cut and weld your mounts or go with the originals.