hey guys, got another question i need help with. ok so a couple days ago i was driving along and my car just died while driving down the road. after having to have it towed home i figured out the fuel line was clogged. after getting that fixed and pumping gas perfectly fine the car still wont start...... so first thing i tried was pulling the spark plug and turns out its not getting any spark. so i got a new ignition coil thinking that would solve it but still no spark. and its also not reading any voltage on the coil when i crank it over..... Really need this fixed fast and am out of ideas as to what it could be.... and not sure if it really makes a difference but it is the original 200 i6 thanks, jakob
My best guess off of the limited info would be the points condensor. Very common, at least in my experience, and why I hate points. Luckily a condensor and points is really cheap so go grab some and try that. If that doesn't fix it you've eliminated one possobility and something that probably needed replaced anyways.
http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/d...enser_5158165_2055&keyword=ignition+condenser http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/d...158165_2055&keyword=points&pt=C0414&ppt=C0334 10 bucks
it has an electronic ignition... i was thinking that it could be the starter solenoid because it is not getting any power to the coil when i crank it over and the terminal on the solenoid that is wired to the coil is not giving any reading on the volt meter either?? i could be wrong though..
Hmmmmm, I suppose if your not getting any voltage to the terminal that feeds the coil then that would be your issue.
Take the cover off the steering column and see if you have voltage coming out of the switch. If you do, the resister wire to the coil may have gone bad. Micah
With ign sw on if there is no voltage on the red/green wire connected to coil, you have a power problem between coil and ign switch... See prev post by Micah.. The solenoid jumper only supplies extra voltage while cranking, should start without the jumper wire connected, at least in warm weather... BTW In a std system defective points/condenser won't kill voltage on the battery side of coil, ever... It could only be maybe 8v, but if it zero there are other problems...
if none of this works out try running a wire from batt. to the coil and see if it'll run. if it does then you definitely have a wiring issue
I definitely second that. Easiest thing is to run power straight from the battery to the coil and see if that fixes the problem. If not take a test light and trace back awards until you find power.
Can I wire that directly and leave it as a permanent fix if it actually does work? Also the new solenoid didnt fix the problem either...
You can't wire it directly to the battery because it won't shut off unless you pull the wire, but you can run it thru a switch so you can turn it on and off. Preferably somewhere near the dash.
No cause you could never shut it off, coil power must be controlled by switch... Since the solenoid didn't fix it(or at least start and then die), the problem is likely other than wiring... Probably 9 times out of 10 the ignition modules causes a no spark issue on a Duraspark system, still that won't cause a no power problem at the coil... We need to be sure there is or isn't power on the coil, check the red & green wire with ignition on(don't have to crank it)...
Ok I see what your saying. And yes there is no power at the coil. There is at the solenoid though (on the red/green wire) so I'm gonna go and start cutting up all the electrical tape tomorrow and see if it is frayed or chewed on somewhere down the line. How can I check the ignition module though??
Before you start cutting, I suggest you perform the test I previously described. Otherwise, you may make a bigger mess of this. You need to know if you are getting power at the switch. It might be as simple as your switch is bad or the connection is corroded. Micah
Finically tracked it down a few days ago to a shorted out wire. Fixed it and it ran fine for a couple days.. Now I just got home from work and go to shut it off and the engine wont shut off?????? I finally got it to shut off but I need to get it fixed soon. Also after I got it to shut off the oil light stayed on until I pulled the plug on the solenoid? PLEASE HELP!!