8548PT2..upon looking elsewhere I see I paid double what I could have , but I ordered from Jegs, the good thing is this thread will save someone else from paying too much and they will get the correct gaskets.
Those look like the 9333 graphite gaskets. But I see on Summit that the 8548PT's are $5 a piece less than the 9333's ($13 vs $18) So apparently the construction is a bit different between the two. So Edelbrock makes $34 profit be repackaging Felpro's lowest price gasket.
The 8548pt2 is the standard replacement gasket with a tin fire ring, where as the 9333pt-1's are a "performance" gasket and have a stainless steel fire ring. Other than that they're supposed to be identical.(from what I can find on the interwebs)
I bought a Ford Racing gasket set to reassemble the 306 after we'd pulled it down to check the build/machine work(I bought it as a built but never ran), I believe it had the 8548PT2 in it...
You know I don't have a problem with FelPro gaskets, have used them many years, what I do have a problem with is Edelbrock and the repackaging and jacking up the price, I most likely could have bought the engine gasket set (which I still need) with those same head gaskets in it for maybe a few bucks more than I paid for just those head gaskets, I am calling Edelbrock today and more than likely going to return the gaskets to Jegs, I have an e-mail in to FelPro asking what gasket sets contain those head gaskets, I will be buying the set then, I have seen some for as low of a price of $60.00, I just don't know what sets have the same gaskets yet.
You see on the Edelbrock packaging picture earlier in this thread it says "performance head gasket", I am calling B.S. on that. And on Summit, under the listing for this gasket this is what the note says..... OEM stock replacement Fel-Pro head gaskets are ideal for stock rebuilds on street-driven cars and trucks. Available Fel-Pro head gaskets feature both multi-layer steel-core and composition construction. Fel-Pro head gaskets are not intended for race applications.
I can get you the gasket set number later this evening. I'm building a 351 and the gasket set I got came with the 8548pt2's.
Ohhh huge a**holes at Edelbrock, just got off the phone and they were pretty much indifferent about it, like it's ok to pay for that huge mark-up on price because of the repackaging, they guy said "I am using those gaskets on my 5.0 with no issues" and I told him the gaskets were not what I had a problem with, it was the misleading things I had read about Edelbrock gaskets from their website, that they had their own gaskets for the RPM heads, not repackaged FelPro, at almost 3 times the price! basically ignored anything I had to say once he found out why I was calling. Thank you I appreciate that!
Ok got a call from Edelbrock, A Dave Stinson, he had quite a few things to talk about, first of all it was explained to me and I'll try and get it right, Dave stated at one point that Edelbrock had a local head gasket supplier making gaskets for them, he stated they had some problems with the gaskets and had to pull them, they repackaged them with the FelPro and sent them back out so they would have inventory available, BUT someone had forgotten to do any price adjustment on them, and thus the repackaged FelPro with the (original) Edelbrock price, he stated since my complaint, he has been going over this with the upper management and it will be corrected, he said I had a very valid point in what I have said about the repackaging/pricing and it is being addressed, when we spoke about what I was planning to do with the set I had (sending them back and ordering the cheap ones) I told him I could have very well bought a FelPro engine gasket set (something I need) for what I had spent on just the head gaskets, he said he could and would help me out there to restore my faith in Edelbrock, he is now going to send me out a SET of gaskets with his apologies for my troubles and thanks for bringing the problem to his attention, I guess one person can make a difference on some things.
Just me, but I'd go grab a set of 9333's at the local parts house. Although they too aren't listed as "performance gaskets" they perform this duty very well as the set I've got sealing the Canfield heads on my 331 attest to. Ten years with many many times having the temps reach 250-260* when I've forgotten to turn the electric fan on.
http://www.summitracing.com/parts/slp-260-1731 It says valve seals no included on summit, but there was valve seals in the box. This set is for late model truck engines so there are some gaskets you won't need, so you should still try to contact fel pro to see if there is a cheaper set without to efi stuff. I'm going to put the 9333's on my engine though, maybe save the 8548's for a future project.