Im gambling to say that you have the wrong water pump pulley. You could shim out the crankshaft pulley if you are not using A/C or powersteering. There is a ford web site for pulley ID. If you shim the crank pulley ,you might need longer pulley bolts. The Shim would be a custom thing!
I think raider on to something there. I would be much more willing to use a water pump pulley shim(not that you can do that in this occasion) rather than a crank pulley shim(this is more like a spacer) just because this stuff ain't exactly perfectly cast and machined in the first place. Plus the wear and tear added into it over the years can cause slight wobble on the snout and shims can exaggerate the effect.. which is never usually good for belt and bearing life due to the extra harmonics created at that crank snout location. What changed on this combo for this to occur? Can't say I rmember all the details on these little motors.. but maybe wrong crank pulley.. wrong water pump pulley.. or even wrong water pump if there are several versions across the same engine platform?
Ford made millions of different size pulleys for different cars/trucks. Its a shot in the dark getting a pulley off one engine and putting it on another engine and have all the pulleys align.
Yeah i've looked at the Master Parts catalog trying to determine pulley size for a 302 and noticed they had a couple listed at 6 & 61/64", really??? It would not work just as well at 6 & 15/16"??
I ran into similar misalignment issues with my March serpentine system. It was complicated by the fact that I added a Saginaw PS pump for my R&P. Shims and spacers are the order of the day.
Not only the diameter changes...the depth changed making it difficult to align the belt(s). Talking about 1/64" there anything on a Ford that measures 1/4", 1/2" or 3/4"? It appears like everything is measured in 32's or 64's. Rear wheel cylinders on my Falcon are 29/32" and everything I see are 27/32" bore.
Well i dont really no I moved so my buddy held my engine for me and then when I got ready to put it back in my car I noticed that the belt was like it is ask my buddy he said he had no clue why would be doing that but also that the fan was removed when we got back to the garage
Oh yeah I know the topic of this thread is depth(sorry for drifting), about every performance shop offers crank pulley spacers... This one is result of mounting my orig Comet water pump, pulleys and harmonic ballancer on front of 5.0 that had serpentine belt setup, those timing covers are approx 1/4" thicker than the original '70s covers...
Your lower pulley is for a A/C setup, just figure out the amount needed to move it forward and there should be spacers available(are even on ebay)... Here is pict of my pulleys that are A/C(same ones in above pict), notice the alt is on center groove(sheath in Ford speak) and P/S is closest to engine, the W/P pulley is no doubt much deeper than yours...