Out of town for work. My throttle cable has pulled through the plastic adapter on the top of the pedal arm. Guess it's worn down over time because the ball just goes right through the center hole. The top of the pedal arm is just a square notched out that the adapter slides down into. Any quick fix or ideas on how to attach it back long enough to get it home. About an hour drive.
Needle nose vise-grips. Drove a '72 Bronco back from Michigan that way once-upon-a-time. Clamp the cable in the right spot to the pedal arm.
Is there a hobby shop near you ???? if so go there and get model airplane wheel collar they are available in many sizes and have a allen set screw in them to clamp to your cable and will get you home and beyond..
Welp. No hobby shop was around. Like the smart man i am i took my tools out before the trip and forgot to put them back in. Was pretty well stuck. Looked through the console, under the seats, and through the trunk. Found a half used piece of duct tape, a zip tie, and a small corner of sandpaper. Used the zip tie right behind the ball on the throttle cable giving it enough of a diameter for the adapter to hold it in. Stuffed the sandpaper into the notch on the pedal and put the duct tape around that. Not a permanent fix but should be enough to get me home. You can catch me on the season premier of "the new mcgyver" Wednesdays at 8 on your local channel.