the stock lights on these cars suck and i wanting to upgrade everything to led so i was wondering if led is better then hid for headlights
I ended up getting some clear lens 7" headlights off amazing for $17, I have tested them on my car but that was till the battery died, the lights use removable halogen or h2 bulbs I believe? Forgot what they are but there bright so I'm pleased
Eli I did a tech artical it is on this form follow the diagram not the text your lights will be much brighter.
I want to get some relays and maybe hid lights I have tri bar headlights with the removable halogen bulbs but they suck as bad as the factory lights. I like those lights that some of the newer cars have that are SUPER bright white not yellow or orange
no relays is the problem with your tri bar headlights . just not unough juice through the headlight switch for any lights.
Yep ! Relays really work .. been running tri-bars for years .. they're as bright as I need them to be ! Cometized (Chip)
I put 8000k hid h4 on my 74 and 3000k in my factory fog lights and led lites in every bulb in the car in order for the turn signalsto work you have to switch out the flasher to the led one with the ground wire coming out the top and take a tiny screw driver in the plug to release the connector and switch them to the other because the power is in the wrong side of the plug for the flashers to work and if the lense is yellow get yellow leds or they will look greenish. Mine look grate
X2 on the relay set up. I'm running Lucas European lamps with Sylvania H4 bulbs and a set of Lucas Square 8 driving lights. See avitar for how bright they are in the daytime. Micah