I am sorry if this is an inappropriate forum for this question, but I'm doing research for a novel. I am wondering if the Maverick ever had the truck release in the glove compartment and if so, what years? If I shouldn't be posting such questions here, please let me know!
Welcome to the site from northeast Ohio!!! I can't answer your question however, I'm confident one of the sites Maverick/Comet aficionados will have a response in short order. I always hated books and movies with incorrect technical situations. I'm pleased you are doing your homework!!!!
My gut feeling is no and if they did was surely optional... Heck through early '73 year model they didn't even have a glove box...
Thanks for the replies - I didn't know that the early models didn't even have a glove box. That's what I get for assuming.
I added an electric trunk release to my Maverick. I cut the '83 Cougar latch to the same width as the Maverick latch and drilled two new holes for the mounting bolts . I put the button under the dash on the driver's side. I made a wave washer for the switch from a rattle can paint lid side to keep the switch tight against the dash. Power to the switch is from the cigarette lighter feed so it's hot all the time and the trunk lid can be opened without having the keys.
for 60 bucks you can buy a new trunk release kit from melvins, pretty sure its an aftermarket add on though. just a cabled latch release that sits next to the driver seat on the floor. http://www.parts123.com/parts123/yb...~S4I90WT09P72185867536b~Z5Z5Z5~Z5Z5Z50001018o
We are moving off track. The original author asked the question whether or not any year Maverick came from the factory with a remote trunk release operated from the glove compartment. The author is doing research for a novel. The Maverick could use the publicity! Krazy Comet indicated that he did not believe the accessory was ever offered and until `73, Maverick never had a glove compartment. Is he correct about the remote trunk release?
As far as I know, no Mavericks came with a remote trunk release. If any did then it would most likely have been a dealership option.
Beginning in 1970, an electric remote trunk release was available for All Models. It had to be ordered from the Ford Accessories catalog. (see "b" in attached photo)
Thanks everyone! This has been really helpful. Hotrock, thanks for keeping things on track. Guess I better get busy rewriting! I miss my old Maverick