I thought it might be interesting to determine what percentage of us have a drivable Maverick or Comet? It doesn't matter if it is licensed or a racecar; just so long as it is safe to drive. Roadworthy definition: Race car - Capable of performing safely in the venue for which it was designed and built. Non race car - Capable of being driven 25 miles safely in traffic and without being ticketed for insufficient equipment, i.e. headlights, tail lights, fenders, doors, windshield and seat or seats. Roadworthy also includes those cars that are normally operational however they are in a state of short term rebuild or modification. Come race season or good weather, they will be good-to-go!
Roadworthy definition: Race car Capable of performing safely in the venue for which it was designed. Non race car Capable of being driven 25 mile safely in traffic.
Not to split any more hairs here for all the extra consolidation effort lately, but I think/know there may be more than a few mechanically capable cars missing interiors, bodyparts and lights that could warrant adding the words "safely and LEGALLY" into the non race car category. I know for fact I've driven plenty of cars that we figured were "safe enough" despite the fact that it was completely illegal to even start the engine within earshot of neighbors. Then again, maybe I'm in the minority here because I also think you haven't fully lived a true car lovers life until you've actually driven on a milkcrate(or equivalent). Watching your buddy fly off it and roll back into the floorboards when you suddenly tromp the gas?.. priceless! lol Point is, "safety" is often a widely skewed perspective and the "legal" part usually unifies the definition more towards universal acceptance. Safety and legality just run hand in hand with one another to close a few more gaps in lapsed judgement. My Comet's non-running right now but I hope to soon make it a safe running car that can go more than 25 miles. Although, no matter how long I work on it, probably still won't ever be completely legal.
Three Roadworthy here ; Got Two Mavericks and One Comet in our family : All of them set up for daily driving with all the comforts . We're taking the 70 Maverick and 74 Comet on the HRPT this June for the Mavericks FIRST Long Distance trip and the Comets second HRPT . My Daughters Maverick is finished but we have to dyno it yet ... then .. she can drive it daily if she wants to. Cometized (Chip)
I'm not afraid to drive mine anywhere anytime. Every thing works on it as intended except for the backup lights and neutral safety switch. I still need to wire them up after the t5 swap.
I hve the same issue w/ backup lights and neutral switch been driving it like that 7 years "car only starts in park". Going to have that fixed next month when the trans is rebuilt. Hopefully, I will be able to do a few legs of the HRPT, also.
Our family has 5 road worthy Maverick's and Comet's. (2) Maverick Grabber's (2) Comet GT's (1) Maverick 2 door
Both of my Falcons came with manual transmission and both didn't come with the backup light option. Since neutral safety switch didn't come with a manual transmission back in the early 60's It's second nature knowing to push in the clutch or make sure it's in neutral before turning the key or backing up in the dark.