Friend of mine works in a bidy shop and offered to do some touch up work on my front cowl if I got the color code. Looked on the door and the code says 61. The Comet is currently blue and what I thought was original paint. But 61 isnt making sense. I tried to take a picture of it as best I could but the plate is faded. Any idea what the exterior color may be?
Well from your picture, your door looks to be 6e medium bright yellow. I'm talking about the yellow color in your first pic. -Matt
Well, maybe look up under the trunk lip or another place, because, I don't think they had any orange that color standard in 76 although I could be wrong. - Matt
I couldn't find it either online. I thought the original color was that blue. But I cant find anything that comes close in the tag to be blue
A blue colour would not typically be a "6" code. Most Blues in that era started with a "3". A "6" colour was usually a yellow, or something in that family, such as Orange. Greens were typically "4", Reds "2", and Browns "5", etc. Of course there may be some exceptions to that rule, but it's good way to generalize the paint codes and colours.
I'm betting if you can see orange in the jambs, like on the picture of the data tag, that your car was actually orange in its first life. - Matt
Guessing orange as I see little spots of it where paint has chipped. The underneath of the hood is black. Ill take a chip of the blue to my buddy and match it up. Thanks guys.