Strut rod bushing nut got me! I replaced bushing on my other car about 20 years ago. I remembered it being a pain then but i got them off. Guess I was young dum and full of cum then. I could leave it alone but would hate taking in to get aligned and young Joe run into same problem. Anyone else having problem taking theres off?
I remember when I changed mine and they didn't fall right off as I planned. BP Blaster, hammer and cold chisel comes to mind.
Simplest solution is to cut off or nut cracker-off nut and replace with new one after cleaning strut threads. have fun
I'm not this far along yet. Still trying to get bar off. Suspect i'm have problems there to. Locked and loaded with your idea!
Nut came off with impact wrench while strut bar still bolted to lower control arm. If you try a breaker bar you have a good chance of snapping the bar in two. Might want to try and use heat to get nut off. I don't thing a nut cracker will fit into this tight place. The hard part was separating the male/female bushing sleeve
Did you bust the nut on the backside loose? I was fighting mine until I did that, all I was doing was spinning both nuts and the sleeve inside the bushing. with the rear nut loose it came apart easily.
Sorry guys. Was gonna go give a try but as usual something came up. Wife complained her brakes making funny sound. Yep! Her brakes and serpentine belt got priority!
I got the nut loosened. I used heat as suggest by rthomas. Heat - some pblaster- and more heat. I do need to invest in an impact with more balls i discovered.
16 inch breaker got it loose. 6 yr old harbor freight impact just made a bunch of noise. Getting a bigger gun tommorrow!
Clean the threads off with a wire brush on a drill, etc. Spray with PB Blaster and let soak for a day Spray again before hitting it with an impact. Easy Peazy. I have yet to ever not make this work, even on old rusty cars
Agreed scrubbing threads on just about any undercarriage bolt will ease removal. Usually by time it's forced off without cleaning & lube with impact, the threads are galled badly.
In the middle of rebuilding the front end. I had no problem removing the strut nuts, loosened up the rear nut, PB blaster, 30 minutes, 2 beers, One foot wedged against the opposite spindle, a large 1/2 ratchet and 91 quarter turns later did the job. but when I tried to pry the inner and outer sleeves apart the inner sleeves were destroyed. I haven't found a replacement kit that has the inner outer sleeves only ones with just one rod sleeve. Does this make any difference? And any recommendations were to get the best set for her would be appreciated.
I've never seen inner sleeves that were reusable. I use std replacement Moog. Stay away from polyurethane, they can bust the strut rods.